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  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale
  • https://images.listonce.com.au/listings/17-highfield-drive-grovedale-vic-3216/482/01181482_floorplan_01.gif?iI9baSVcNWs
  • https://images.listonce.com.au/listings/17-highfield-drive-grovedale-vic-3216/482/01181482_floorplan_02.gif?KAUYsWuM3mg

17 Highfield Drive

Grovedale, VIC 3216




Immaculately presented, midcentury gem

Located close to local shopping and within easy access to the Waurn Ponds shopping precinct schools and Railway Station this home has been owned by the current owner for over 50 years and been lovingly maintained and cared for. Featuring on trend mid-century detail, hardwood floors and a flexible floorplan. Comprising three bedrooms with built in robes, light filled lounge and sizeable kitchen and dining area and lock up garage sited on 619m2. Offering exceptional value and potential for future enhancement.

For more information on this property text '17 Highfield' to 0488 882 220


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Located close to local shopping and within easy access to the Waurn Ponds shopping precinct schools and Railway Station this home has been owned by the current owner for over 50 years and been lovingly maintained and cared for. Featuring on trend mid-century detail, hardwood floors and a flexible floorplan. Comprising three bedrooms with built in robes, light filled lounge and sizeable kitchen and dining area and lock up garage sited on 619m2. Offering exceptional value and potential for future


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Enquire for property: 17 Highfield Drive, Grovedale, VIC 3216